God has placed you in the Body of Christ, and you have a function no one else has. As Christ’s members, it’s our privilege and responsibility to employ our function to build up His Church in love.
Ours is an open yet tightly knit community that comprises many races– English, Chinese, Korean and Spanish.
In the new man there is room only for Christ. He is all the members of the new man and in all the members. He is everything in the new man. Actually, He is the new man, His Body. In the new man He is the centrality and universality. He is the constituent of the new man, and He is all in all in the new man.
We take care of children according to God and help them to grow together in the garden of life and take the God-ordained way toward God’s eternal goal.
We endeavor to obey the Lord’s word—and support parents in this great responsibility—by providing our children with a nurturing atmosphere, a biblical and spiritual education, and wholesome fun and games.